Sunday, June 3, 2012

Uphill Battle

We all know and have used youtube. Well some of us have youtube channels. Like i do. I post videos on my channel because it makes me happy and its a way to document my life, so that wa when im about to die i look at all the video and be happy about the awesome things i have done throught my life. The things is, i'd love it to have people watch my journey unfold. Thats where i am stuck. Because i used to have alot of subcribers on my old youtube channel, but i deleted that old one because the things i was posting didnt make me happy so i got bored of it and stopped. Now, i have a newer channel with videos but not as many people watch them and im not sure how to change that.

Not to be cocky or anything but i trully think i post good stuff on my channel and deserve some sort of attention. I have my idoles in the youtube communaty and i wish they would take the time to read an email from me and put the time in to help out the little guy. Musiciens say that they would be nothing without there fans( its used so much that its kinda cliche at this point) well the same goes for youtubers. 

For the onces reading to this point and feel for me. You be the judge. go check out my youtube channel and videos. Here is the link to my channel but if you don't want to go all the way to my channel and look at my videos. Hey if you want to help me out and like my stuff, subcribe to me, and if your one of those people that do sub for sub then send me a message and i'll be happy to.

If your to lazy to go to my channel, i have included below one of my favourite videos that i shot. It was with some friends and we did something original and fun. I present to you THE EPIC SILLY-STRING WAR.

See that was alot of fun and i will post more awesome videos like that. Short and long. Day amd night, winter and summer.

Thank you for reading to me ramble on about this stuff. I hope you go have a look at my channel, and come back to read what i have to say.

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