Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Transit Of Venus: June 5th 2012

Unless youve been living under a rock, you should know that yesterday was the transit of venus. If you dont know what that is, its when the planet venus passes infront of the sun. This event has a cycle of 8 years followed by a circle of 105 yeats.  This for me was the last time I was gonna see it and I wasnt gonna let let this opportunity pass. So the way I got this way that I mounted my slr camera on a tripod, then added my countour camera on the tripod and put that set up on my roof. For me, and living in Toronto, the transit of venus happened from 6:05 pm to 8:00 pm.
Below I have included a picture of my set up.

After 2 hours on my roof I got about 300 pictures and 2 hours of solid video. There is one picture that is better then the rest and that will never be forgotten. I will show my kids, of this event and openfully they will be alive long enough to see what I saw. I hope you guys saw it  if not, here is my best picture of it.

This picture was taken at 6:34 PM in Newmarket, Ontario. When venus crossed the sun on June 5th 2012(on the same day that a close friend of mine was born, so happy birthday to him. 

I'm not an astro photographer, but i want to take pictures of something that i wont see again. For example, there will be a full solar eclipse in toronto on april 8 2024. so ill be set up to witness that.

Thank you for reading about me nerding out.

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