Monday, June 11, 2012

Contour Chest Mount

For those who know a little about me you'd know that i love filming and editing. Amoung all the cameras i own, i have an action sports camera to get shots in the action. There are two popular brands of action sport cameras: The GOPRO and The CONTOUR. I have the contour camera. But the issue is that due to the cylindrical shape of the contour, there isnt a chest mount made for it. So i set out to build one but be simple enough that anyone can build it for their own contour camera

**Just a heads up before i begin this set up works for the VHOLDR CONTOUR HD, CONTOUR GPS AND CONTOUR +. (Not the contour roam because it has a tripod mount built into it making it to thick for this)

Let's begin

For this project you will need:
  • 1 GoPro Chesty Mount
  • 1 GoPro Tripod Mount
  • 1 Contour Tripod Mount
  • 1 one inche, 1/4, 20 thread per inch screw
  • Apoxy resen(optional(will be explained later on)
Step 1: Remove everything from it packaging
It's like freaken christmas. These items you have gotten will be useless if they are still in it's packaging.

Step 2: Modifie the GoPro tripod mount
When you examine both the chest mount and the tripod mount. They both have a cap to screw a fixing into. To fix problem i tried butting the nub off the tripod tooth but i later dixcovered the mount  screw from the chest mount isnt long enough to fix all 6 teeth. This is what you will have to do, procced to cut the extra tooth with the nub off. It should look something like this.

Step 3: Adjusting the screw
You will need to cut the screw head of the screw because you will need to connect two female holes together. My recomendation is to count 10 threads from the tip and cut it. 

Step 4: Connect both tripods
Using your modified screw connect both trypods by screing in with plyars and your hands. If you encountered the same problem I did, the two tripods wont end up lined up perfectly straight to defeat this problem you have a few options to fix it.

Option #1: adjust the screw until you find the right lengh.

Option #2: use a washer to fix it in place but then you  need to find the proper washer width

Option #3: using the optional apoxy comes into play. This part you put a lot of apoxy on the screw and on sides, then you screw it in until its at the proper angle, then let it sit for 24 hours to let it dry.(this is what I decided to do)

Step 5: Assemble
Now you have the pieces to the puzzle. Connect the teeth of the chesty mount to the teeth of the tripod mount. The adjust the angle it is pointing. Then slide your camera in.

There you go, that’s how to make a chest mount for the contour and dosnt stick out to much. Hope you found this helpful and if you want more, follow me on twitter at!/JustSleeth and subscribe to me on youtube at


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