Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Zombie Survival Guide: Backpack

Welcome to the lastest post for the zombie survival guide. This week i want to talk about what you should carry around in your back pack.You need to remember its always smart to be able to be on the go, and if possible, try to double these items that way you have a backup backpack in case it gets stolen when your trying to kill a horde of zombies.

Things to carry in your back pack.
ð  medical kit
ð  Knife
ð  Flashlight
ð  Emergency flares]
ð  Signaling mirror
ð  2 way radio
ð  2 ways of making fire
ð  Full quart canteen
ð  Daily rations
ð  Hiking boots
ð  Lock cutter
ð  2 pairs of socks
ð  Water purification tablet
ð  Bandanna
ð  Map
ð  Compass
ð  Poncho
ð  Sleeping bag
ð  Sunglasses
ð  Multi tool
ð  Binoculars

There you go, you have your list, if you dont have all these items, the go out and by them because you may not know when the break out will begin. Stay tuned next week for another segment

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