Wednesday, June 20, 2012

So it's now officially summer

Well here we are. Its summer time again. I have many plan and many videos I want to shoot and post this summer.

I am now done my school year and looking back. I'm like holy shit this went by so quick.
Last year was not a good year for me,socially and educationally. But things changed this year. My social life got better. People who hated me, turned into friends. Do not get picked on, in anyway,by anyone. My grades have also been affected. My performance has sky rocketed. I have other stuff to say but that's to be talked about at new years. For now its just my  school is all ill be talking about today.

What are my plans for this summer you may ask. Well I have nothing to important planned. I may or may not go somewhere far away on a summer vacation but nothing is set in stone yet.  But I shall be taking this summer as a chance to get a lot of videos filmed and I'll hopefully post a lot to keep you entertained, during times of bored um. If I'm lucky. Maybe I'll get some extra videos filmed so that way if I'm forced to take time off, I'll have back up videos.

For those that are fans of my youtube channel. you'd know that i havnt been posting good long videos for a bit. the reason is because of my exams. But i finish my exams on the 26th. So im hoping i can get a video shot, edited and posted within a week of that.

If you want an sneek peak of what the video is. Well i wont give u a sneek peak but i have a clue and if you can guess what the video is about then i will send out a prize to the winner.

   What could this mean???
I hope you guys all have a great summer. I know i will. Ill try to keep in touch. Always remember, Im more active on twitter and youtube                         !/JustSleeth

Got to love those shameless plugs. 


Monday, June 11, 2012

Show some respect

At my highschool, it goes from grade 9 to 12 like anyother school, but we also have 7 and 8 grade. I do not support in anyway bullying or cyberbullying. But these 7 and 8 graders think they are big shit and they walk around like they own the school. They walk and take up all the room in the hall and think they can talk back to the older grades.

Back in the day, when i was there age. i respected the older kids and i paid my dues. So why has that changed. why do these kids think they can act like this. 

Well since these kids want to be like this. The older grades are forced to knock some sence into them.  So what we have all done threw out the year is walk straight threw the hall and plow threw anyone who gets in the way, and for those kids who think they are big shit, they get a shoulder thrown there way. If any of them talk back after, we turn around and they shut up instantly because they are all talk and no walk. 

Dont get us wrong. dont think we do this all the time and we pick out certain kids and if there are some nice kids that do have respect, they are left alone and continu on there marry way.

If there are any younger grade kids reading this, from my school or other schools. Please show some respect, your life can be easy at school or hell. You decide your own future. 

What are you going to do now?

Contour Chest Mount

For those who know a little about me you'd know that i love filming and editing. Amoung all the cameras i own, i have an action sports camera to get shots in the action. There are two popular brands of action sport cameras: The GOPRO and The CONTOUR. I have the contour camera. But the issue is that due to the cylindrical shape of the contour, there isnt a chest mount made for it. So i set out to build one but be simple enough that anyone can build it for their own contour camera

**Just a heads up before i begin this set up works for the VHOLDR CONTOUR HD, CONTOUR GPS AND CONTOUR +. (Not the contour roam because it has a tripod mount built into it making it to thick for this)

Let's begin

For this project you will need:
  • 1 GoPro Chesty Mount
  • 1 GoPro Tripod Mount
  • 1 Contour Tripod Mount
  • 1 one inche, 1/4, 20 thread per inch screw
  • Apoxy resen(optional(will be explained later on)
Step 1: Remove everything from it packaging
It's like freaken christmas. These items you have gotten will be useless if they are still in it's packaging.

Step 2: Modifie the GoPro tripod mount
When you examine both the chest mount and the tripod mount. They both have a cap to screw a fixing into. To fix problem i tried butting the nub off the tripod tooth but i later dixcovered the mount  screw from the chest mount isnt long enough to fix all 6 teeth. This is what you will have to do, procced to cut the extra tooth with the nub off. It should look something like this.

Step 3: Adjusting the screw
You will need to cut the screw head of the screw because you will need to connect two female holes together. My recomendation is to count 10 threads from the tip and cut it. 

Step 4: Connect both tripods
Using your modified screw connect both trypods by screing in with plyars and your hands. If you encountered the same problem I did, the two tripods wont end up lined up perfectly straight to defeat this problem you have a few options to fix it.

Option #1: adjust the screw until you find the right lengh.

Option #2: use a washer to fix it in place but then you  need to find the proper washer width

Option #3: using the optional apoxy comes into play. This part you put a lot of apoxy on the screw and on sides, then you screw it in until its at the proper angle, then let it sit for 24 hours to let it dry.(this is what I decided to do)

Step 5: Assemble
Now you have the pieces to the puzzle. Connect the teeth of the chesty mount to the teeth of the tripod mount. The adjust the angle it is pointing. Then slide your camera in.

There you go, that’s how to make a chest mount for the contour and dosnt stick out to much. Hope you found this helpful and if you want more, follow me on twitter at!/JustSleeth and subscribe to me on youtube at


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Birthday Boy!!

Today is june 7th, 17 years ago,  a beautiful chubby baby boy was born. That boy was me.

I have been trying hard this last week thinking about what to do for this day. I deserve it, we all deserve that day of relaxation. But the reason I think ii deserve it more is that this year I made a change in my life. I rolled up my sleves and went to work. I took my shitty grades in school and made them into something that people get jealous of. If you knew a bit more about me, youd know that, for me, making friends is hard and there for more people tend to hate me then they do like me. (that’s easier to hate then to love but I digrese) This year was different for me. People started respecting me, liking me, wanting me around, laughing at my jokes instead of laughing at me.

We all know that on our birthdays all our “friends” on facebook write on our walls , happy birthday. I always hated that because I knew it wasn’t real, they didn’t care to remember it or want to say anything in person. That is one of the many reasons why I deleted my facebook account. But this year, more people have told me happy birthday in person, without facebook. That really gives a very overwhelming warm and fuzzy feeling.
From my closer friends, my parents and my girlfriend, I received presents, and im very thankfull for all of them and love what I got. If there are a select few of you that what to get me something for my birthday. Then follow me on twitter and or subscribe to me on youtube. If you want to spend some money for my birthday, then please donate generously to NEW LIFE MEXICO or CHARITY:WATER.

New life mexico:

"New Life Mexico (NLM) works with children in Mexico who have been physically or sexually abused, who have come out of the child sex industry and with child drug addicts and dealers."


"We're a non-profit organization bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing countries. 100% of all public donations directly fund water projects"

Thanks for ready this, I got to go continue have an awesome birthday. Bye

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Transit Of Venus: June 5th 2012

Unless youve been living under a rock, you should know that yesterday was the transit of venus. If you dont know what that is, its when the planet venus passes infront of the sun. This event has a cycle of 8 years followed by a circle of 105 yeats.  This for me was the last time I was gonna see it and I wasnt gonna let let this opportunity pass. So the way I got this way that I mounted my slr camera on a tripod, then added my countour camera on the tripod and put that set up on my roof. For me, and living in Toronto, the transit of venus happened from 6:05 pm to 8:00 pm.
Below I have included a picture of my set up.

After 2 hours on my roof I got about 300 pictures and 2 hours of solid video. There is one picture that is better then the rest and that will never be forgotten. I will show my kids, of this event and openfully they will be alive long enough to see what I saw. I hope you guys saw it  if not, here is my best picture of it.

This picture was taken at 6:34 PM in Newmarket, Ontario. When venus crossed the sun on June 5th 2012(on the same day that a close friend of mine was born, so happy birthday to him. 

I'm not an astro photographer, but i want to take pictures of something that i wont see again. For example, there will be a full solar eclipse in toronto on april 8 2024. so ill be set up to witness that.

Thank you for reading about me nerding out.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Uphill Battle

We all know and have used youtube. Well some of us have youtube channels. Like i do. I post videos on my channel because it makes me happy and its a way to document my life, so that wa when im about to die i look at all the video and be happy about the awesome things i have done throught my life. The things is, i'd love it to have people watch my journey unfold. Thats where i am stuck. Because i used to have alot of subcribers on my old youtube channel, but i deleted that old one because the things i was posting didnt make me happy so i got bored of it and stopped. Now, i have a newer channel with videos but not as many people watch them and im not sure how to change that.

Not to be cocky or anything but i trully think i post good stuff on my channel and deserve some sort of attention. I have my idoles in the youtube communaty and i wish they would take the time to read an email from me and put the time in to help out the little guy. Musiciens say that they would be nothing without there fans( its used so much that its kinda cliche at this point) well the same goes for youtubers. 

For the onces reading to this point and feel for me. You be the judge. go check out my youtube channel and videos. Here is the link to my channel but if you don't want to go all the way to my channel and look at my videos. Hey if you want to help me out and like my stuff, subcribe to me, and if your one of those people that do sub for sub then send me a message and i'll be happy to.

If your to lazy to go to my channel, i have included below one of my favourite videos that i shot. It was with some friends and we did something original and fun. I present to you THE EPIC SILLY-STRING WAR.

See that was alot of fun and i will post more awesome videos like that. Short and long. Day amd night, winter and summer.

Thank you for reading to me ramble on about this stuff. I hope you go have a look at my channel, and come back to read what i have to say.