Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hi Everybody

               Hi Everybody, My name is Eric. I'm a 16-year-old from Quebec, Canada eh? I'm a welterweight boxer. I train almost everyday. But when I'm not in the ring, you can find me snowboarding, those are my two passions. And yes, i do all that boring shit like go to school and go to work, but don't worry i wont be posting about useless shit like that.
Why did I start this blog?
The reason I started this blog was because, sometimes I had something to say on twitter and i just didn't have the space, because you know I'm limited to 140 characters.
What am i going to be posting about?
This is a useless-shit-free blog environment so you wont need to worry about useless crap like how my day was, unless i was killing zombies, because of the zombie Apocalypse, but id be busy anyway, pwning some zombies, but I digress, this blog will be about any random thing i wanna post. I do not plan on having a schedule where i must post a blog entry every other day, NOO! ill post when i feel like it.
Well i hope you guys like it and keep reading,
follow me on twitter @_thethriller_
(sorry but i had to plug it in there)
The Thriller

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