Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hold On To Your Hats; I"m About To Rage

Recently a lot of things have been getting me mad. So I have decided to share them with my readers. The biggest thing that gets me mad is stupidity, ya that’s it plain and simple. Just stupidity.
So first off, I’m a blackberry user, so I have bbm. What I absolutely can’t stand is dumb whores on bbm (yes I know that’s redundant, what whore is intelligent right) they will send out a broadcast message (meaning everyone will get it) saying reach this place or reach that place> meaning they think they are so unbelievably great that just doing that and going alone, people will then show up just to be with them. No that’s dumb. If you want to go somewhere and hangout with people. Make fucking plans. Don’t just go and disturb my peaceful phone.
Secondly, is pictures of food, whether it be Facebook, twitter, on a blog, or on bbm, I do not under any circumstances want to see your food. Like imagine the situation behind that picture. The person will before they eat, think “hey I should take a picture of this” they then pull there camera and take a picture. On top of that go on the social networking platform of their choice and post it. Like that’s so idiotic and ridiculous and yet people still do it.
The next thing that pisses me off is using hash tags. The point of hash tags is used as a common subject for the social network, Twitter.  So there for hashtags should ONLY be used on twitter, but yet they don’t stay there. Hash tags are used on things like Facebook and blackberry messsager.
Finally the #1 thing that drives me crazy is dumb people. Yes those people that get that screw around in class, that think they are awesome people and yet everyone hates them. You always wonder, do they realize that people hate them. Why not change to be more likable. These people are just total assholes and douchebags. But those are just usually the men; there are the same kinds of women.  These women are usually whores, either the same people that hook up with a bunch of people at parties or even I know someone that has never been single since grade 5 when one relationship ends a new one begins within a week.
So ya that are a summary of it, I could go on for a while but I won’t continue. So thanks for reading and you can comment on things that you hate that I didn’t mention. Also follow me on twitter, I believe I tweet interesting things. www.twitter.com/_TheThriller_

Ebay:You heartless bitch

Unless you have been living under a rock your entire life, I'm sure you know about EBay. Let me give you a little refresher. Ebay is an internet website, where a person may buy and/or sell products, either by auction or by instant purchase.
Well recently I've been wanting to get a new sports camera for snowboarding and stuff. So I. Have been looking at GoPro but mainly Contour. So I decided, why not have a look on ebay, so I found a few priced camera's but the closer time got to the auction the higer the price had gotten and the less. Worth it, it had become to buy a camera online.
So now your probably wondering what the. Hell. Does all of this have to do with the title. Well I'm gonna tell you. There are a few things that frustrate me about ebay. #1 Snipers: the people who wait to last minute to bid(yes I'm a sniper. But I actually get sniped by another sniper) #2 the increasing prices: by this I mean, I find a product a low auction cost and I say awesome, but then more and more people have to come in and make the price go higher. #3 the waiting period: The time that is left for an auction to end, like every minute feels forever and every day waiting sucks more and more. I don't understand why I keep checking ebay every day even if I know for a fact the auction won't end for another. 3 days.
I Hope you enjoyed my little rant.

Hi Everybody

               Hi Everybody, My name is Eric. I'm a 16-year-old from Quebec, Canada eh? I'm a welterweight boxer. I train almost everyday. But when I'm not in the ring, you can find me snowboarding, those are my two passions. And yes, i do all that boring shit like go to school and go to work, but don't worry i wont be posting about useless shit like that.
Why did I start this blog?
The reason I started this blog was because, sometimes I had something to say on twitter and i just didn't have the space, because you know I'm limited to 140 characters.
What am i going to be posting about?
This is a useless-shit-free blog environment so you wont need to worry about useless crap like how my day was, unless i was killing zombies, because of the zombie Apocalypse, but id be busy anyway, pwning some zombies, but I digress, this blog will be about any random thing i wanna post. I do not plan on having a schedule where i must post a blog entry every other day, NOO! ill post when i feel like it.
Well i hope you guys like it and keep reading,
follow me on twitter @_thethriller_
(sorry but i had to plug it in there)
The Thriller